compiled by Mona Hoppenrath

last update: 08 June 2022

Names printed in bold: taxon regarded as validly published  
Names printed not in bold: taxon regarded as not validly published

ICN = International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants [in brackets: date of publishing]


new order


Amphidiniales Moestrup et Calado 2018, Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol.6 Dinophyceae:


Tovelliales Moestrup et Calado 2018, Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol.6 Dinophyceae:


new families


Amphidiniaceae Moestrup et Calado 2018, Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol.6 Dinophyceae:


Gyrodiniaceae Moestrup et Calado 2018, Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol.6 Dinophyceae:


Sphaerodiniaceae Moestrup et Calado 2018, Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol.6 Dinophyceae:


new genera


Breviolum J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2576-2577, Data S1: 2. [20 August 2018]

Type: Breviolum minutum (LaJeunesse, J.E.Parkinson et J.D.Reimer) J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse 2018,
in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2576, Data S1: 2-3.


Cladocopium LaJeunesse et H.J.Jeong 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 3-4. [20 August 2018]

Type: Cladocopium goreaui LaJeunesse et H.J.Jeong 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 4.


Durusdinium LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 4. [20 August 2018]

Type: Durusdinium trenchii (LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 4.


Effrenium LaJeunesse et H.J.Jeong 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 5. [20 August 2018]

Type: Effrenium voratum (H.J.Jeong, S.Y.Lee, N.S.Kang et LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse et H.J.Jeong 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 5.


Fugacium LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 5-6. [20 August 2018]

Type: Fugacium kawagutii LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 6.


Fusiperidinium McCarthy, Gu, Mertens et Carbonell-Moore 2018, in McCarthy et al. 2018, Phycological Research 66: 143. [23 March 2018]

Type: Fusiperidinium wisconsinense (Eddy) McCarthy, Gu, Mertens et Carbonell-Moore 2018, in McCarthy et al. 2018, Phycological Research 66: 143.


Gerakladium LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 6. [20 August 2018]

Type: Gerakladium endoclionum (Ramsby et LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 6.


Nottbeckia G.Hansen, Daugbjerg et Moestrup 2018, Protist 169(2): 302. [24 February 2018]

Type: Nottbeckia ochracea (Levander) G.Hansen, Daugbjerg et Moestrup 2018, Protist 169(2): 302.


Matvienkoella Moestrup et Calado 2018, Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol.6 Dinophyceae:



Pentaplacodinium Mertens, Carbonell-Moore, Pospelova et Head 2018, in Mertens et al. 2018, Harmful Algae 71: 66.

Type: Pentaplacodinium saltonense Mertens, Carbonell-Moore, Pospelova et Head 2018, in Mertens et al. 2018, Harmful Algae 71: 66-67, pl. 3, 4, figs 2A, 3, 4A).


Speroidium Moestrup et Calado 2018, Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol.6 Dinophyceae:



Wangodinium Z.Luo, Zhangxi Hu, Yingzhong Tang et H.F.Gu 2018, in Luo et al. 2018, Journal of Phycology 54: 747. [19 September 2018]

Type: Wangodinium sinense Z.Luo, Zhangxi Hu, Yingzhong Tang et H.F.Gu 2018, in Luo et al. 2018, Journal of Phycology 54: 747-748, figs 1-4. [19 September 2018]


new species


Adenoides sinensis H.Gu, X.Li et Z.Luo 2018, in Gu et al. 2018, Phycologia 57(2): 181, figs 1-21. [11 January 2018]


Amphidoma alata Tillmann 2018, Phycological Research 66: 272-273, figs 4-6.


Amphidoma cyclops Tillmann 2018, Phycological Research 66: 277-278, figs 7-9.


Amphidoma parvula Tillmann et Gottschling 2018, Tillmann et al. 2018, European Journal of Phycology 53(1): 17, figs 2-44.


Amphidoma trioculata Tillmann 2018, Phycological Research 66: 270, figs 1-3.


Azadinium asperum Tillmann 2018, Phycological Research 66: 280, figs 10-12.


Biecheleria tirezensis S. Fraga, N. Raho, J.P. Abad et I. Marín 2018, European Journal of Phycology 53(1): 102-103, figs 1-24.


Bysmatrum austrafrum Dawut, Sym, Suda et Horiguchi 2018, Phycologia 57(2): 171, figs 1-24. [11 January 2018]


Corythodinium hasleae F.Gómez 2018, Nova Hedwigia 107: 162.

AlgaeBase  PhycoBank


Cladocopium goreaui LaJeunesse et H.J.Jeong 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 4. [20 August 2018]


Fugacium kawagutii LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 6. [20 August 2018]


Gambierdiscus jejuensis S.H.Jang et H.J.Jeong 2018, in jang et al. 2018, Harmful algae 80: 153, figs 2-4.


Gonyaulax whaseongensis A.S.Lim, H.J.Jeong et Ji Hye Kim 2018, in Lim et al. 2018, Journal of Phycology 54: 923-924, figs 1, 2.


Haplozoon ezoense Wakeman, Yamaguchi et Horiguchi 2018, Protist 169(3): 348, fig. 1A. [26 April 2018]


Heterocapsa bohaiensis Xiao et Li 2018, in Xiao et al. 2018, Acta Oceanologica Sinica 37(10): 23, figs 1-4.


Karlodinium jejuense Zh.Li et H.H.Shin 2018, Phycological Research 66: 320, figs 2-4.


Karlodinium zhouanum Z.Luo et H.Gu 2018, in Luo et al. 2018, Phycologia 57(4): 403, figs 1-22. [8 May 2018]


Ornithocercus schuettii T.Wilke et Hoppenrath, in Wilke et al. 2018, Phycologia 57(5): 569, figs 25, 80. [3 July 2018]


Paragymnodinium stigmaticum Yokouchi, Onuma et Horiguchi 2018, Phycologia 57(5): 552, figs 1-78. [3 July 2018]


Parvodinium marciniakii Kretschmann, Owsianny, Zerdoner et Gottschling 2018, Protist 169: 223-224, figs 2-4. [23 February 2018]


Parvodinium mixtum Wolosz. ex Kretschmann, Owsianny, Zerdoner et Gottschling 2018, Protist 169: 224, figs 8-10. [23 February 2018]

Parvodinium mixtum var. mixtum Wolosz. ex Kretschmann, Owsianny, Zerdoner et Gottschling 2018, Protist 169: 224. [23 February 2018]

Parvodinium mixtum var. remotum Wolosz. ex Kretschmann, Owsianny, Zerdoner et Gottschling 2018, Protist 169: 224, 226. [23 February 2018]

Parvodinium mixtum var. conjunctum Wolosz. ex Kretschmann, Owsianny, Zerdoner et Gottschling 2018, Protist 169: 226. [23 February 2018]


Parvodinium trawinskii Kretschmann, Owsianny, Zerdoner et Gottschling 2018, Protist 169: 224, figs 5-7. [23 February 2018]


Pentaplacodinium saltonense Mertens, Carbonell-Moore, Pospelova et Head 2018, in Mertens et al. 2018, Harmful Algae 71: 66-67, pl. 3, 4, figs 2A, 3, 4A). [online 16 December 2017]

Heterotypic synonym: Ceratocorys mariaovidiorum P.Salgado, S.Fraga, F.Rodríguez, P.Riobó et I.Bravo 2018, Journal of Phycology 54: 128-130, figs 1-5. [online 29 December 2017]


Protoceratium reticulatum (Claparède et Lachmann) Bütschli sensu Steidinger & Williams 1970

Protoceratium reticulatum (Claparède et Lachmann) Bütschli sensu Al-Muftah 1991

Gonyaulax grindleyi Reinecke sensu Faust 2005


Protoperidinium smithii H.Doan-Nhu, L.Phan-Tan et L.Nguyen-Ngoc 2018, in Phan-Tan et al. 2018, Polar Biology 41: 984-985, figs 2-3f.


Symbiodinium pilosum Trench et R.J.Blank 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28, Data S1: 1. [20 August 2018]



new combinations


Ansanella natalensis (T.Horiguchi et Pienaar) Dawut, Sym et T.Horiguchi 2018, Phycological Research 66: 308.

Basionym: Gymnodinium natalense T.Horiguchi et Pienaar 1994, Japanese Journal of Phycology 42: 22, figs 1-13.

Synonym: Biecheleria natalensis (Horiguchi et Pienaar) Moestrup in Moestrup et al. 2009, Phycological Research 57(3): 218.


Breviolum aenigmaticum (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28, Data S1: 3. [20 August 2018]


Basionym: Symbiodinium aenigmaticum J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse 2015, Journal of Phycology 51: 852.


Synonym: Zooxanthella aenigmatica (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 2.


Breviolum antillogorgium (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse
2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28, Data S1: 3. [20 August 2018]


Basionym: Symbiodinium antillogorgium J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse 2015, Journal of Phycology 51: 852.
Synonym: Zooxanthella antillogorgia (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018,
Notulae algarum 58: 2.


Breviolum endomadracis (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28, Data S1: 3. [20 August 2018]


Basionym: Symbiodinium endomadracis J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse 2015, Journal of Phycology 51: 853.
Synonym: Zooxanthella endomadracis (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) Guiry et
R.A.Andersen 2018,
Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Breviolum minutum (LaJeunesse, J.E.Parkinson et J.D.Reimer) J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse 2018,
in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2576, Data S1: 2-3. [20 August 2018]


Basionym: Symbiodinium minutum LaJeunesse, J.E.Parkinson et J.D.Reimer 2012, Journal of Phycology 48: 1383.


Synonym: Zooxanthella minuta (LaJeunesse, J.E.Parkinson et J.D.Reimer) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Breviolum pseudominutum (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse
2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28, Data S1: 3. [20 August 2018]
Basionym: Symbiodinium pseudominutum J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse 2015, Journal of Phycology 51: 854.
Synonym: Zooxanthella pseudominuta (J.E.Parkinson, Coffroth et LaJeunesse) Guiry et
R.A.Andersen 2018,
Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Breviolum psygmophilum (LaJeunesse, J.E.Parkinson et J.D.Reimer) J.E.Parkinson et LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28, Data S1: 3. [20 August 2018]
Basionym: Symbiodinium psygmophilum LaJeunesse, J.E.Parkinson et J.D.Reimer 2012, Journal of Phycology 48: 1383.


Synonym: Zooxanthella psygmophila (LaJeunesse, J.E.Parkinson et J.D.Reimer) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Durusdinium boreum (LaJeunesse et C.A.Chen) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 4. [20 August 2018]

Basionym: Symbiodinium boreum LaJeunesse et C.A.Chen 2014, Phycologia 53: 311.

Synonym: Zooxanthella borea (LaJeunesse et C.A.Chen) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Durusdinium eurythalpos (LaJeunesse et C.A.Chen) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 5. [20 August 2018]

Basionym: Symbiodinium eurythalpos LaJeunesse et C.A.Chen 2014, Phycologia 53: 311.

Synonym: Zooxanthella eurythalpos (LaJeunesse, Wham, Pettay, J.E.Parkinson, Keshavmurthy et C.A.Chen) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Durusdinium glynnii (Wham et LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 5. [20 August 2018]
Basionym: Symbiodinium glynnii Wham et LaJeunesse 2014, Phycologia 56: 400.
Synonym: Zooxanthella glynnii (Wham et LaJeunesse) Guiry & R.A.Andersen 2018,
Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Durusdinium trenchii (LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 4. [20 August 2018]

Basionym: Symbiodinium trenchii LaJeunesse 2014, Phycologia 53: 311.

Synonym: Zooxanthella trenchii (LaJeunesse) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 4.


Effrenium voratum (H.J.Jeong, S.Y.Lee, N.S.Kang et LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse et H.J.Jeong 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 5. [20 August 2018]

Basionym: Symbiodinium voratum H.J.Jeong, S.Y.Lee, N.S.Kang et LaJeunesse 2014, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 61: 82.

Synonym: Zooxanthella vorata (H.J.Jeong, S.Y.Lee, N.S.Kang et LaJeunesse) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 4.


Fusiperidinium  wisconsinense (Eddy) McCarthy, Gu, Mertens et Carbonell-Moore 2018, in McCarthy et al. 2018, Phycological Research 66: 143, figs 1-15.

Basionym: Peridinium  wisconsinense Eddy 1930, Trans Am Microsc Soc 49: 300, pl. 34 figs 51a-f.


Gerakladium endoclionum (Ramsby et LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 6. [20 August 2018]

Basionym: Symbiodinium endoclionum Ramsby et LaJeunesse 2017, Journal of Phycology 53: 951-960.

Synonym: Zooxanthella endocliona (Ramsby et LaJeunesse) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018, Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Gerakladium spongiolum (M.S.Hill et LaJeunesse) LaJeunesse 2018, in LaJeunesse et al. 2018, Current Biology 28: 2577, Data S1: 6. [20 August 2018]

Basionym: Symbiodinium spongiolum M.S.Hill et LaJeunesse 2017, Journal of Phycology 53: 951-960.
Synonym: Zooxanthella spongiola (M.S.Hill et LaJeunesse) Guiry et R.A.Andersen 2018,
Notulae algarum 58: 3.


Karlodinium digitatum (Yang, Takayama, Matsuoka et Hodgkiss) Gu, Chan et Lu 2018, in Luo et al. 2018, Phycologia 57(4): 411.

Basionym: Karenia digitata Yang, Takayama, Matsuoka et Hodkiss 2000, Phycologia 39: 464-466, figs 3-17. [05. March 2001]


Nottbeckia ochracea (Levander) G.Hansen, Daugbjerg et Moestrup 2018, Protist 169(2): 302, figs 1-13.

Basionym: Hemidinium ochraceum Levander 1900, Acta Soc Faun Flor Fenn 18: 103-104, figs 2a, b.