Marine benthic dinoflagellates

Lucid matrix key for the identification of benthic dinoflagellate genera

by Hoppenrath & Wilke

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Identification help for Gambierdiscus species

by Hoppenrath, Chomérat & Murray



Identification help for Ostreopsis species

by Hoppenrath, Chomérat & Murray



Identification help for Prorocentrum species

by Hoppenrath, Chomérat & Murray




Lucid key for benthic Prorocentrum species

by Hoppenrath & Chomérat

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Lucid key for Amphidiniopsis species

by Hoppenrath & Wilke

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The keys and identification helps are under development at the moment.


This work was supported by the Friedrich Wilhelm and Elise Marx-Foundation. Drawings were done by Dr. Tanja Wilke (see also explanatory pages of general morphology of dinoflagellates).


Mona Hoppenrath, Nicolas Chomérat, Takeo Horiguchi, Shauna A. Murray & Lesly Rhodes


Marine benthic dinoflagellates –
their relevance for science and society


September 2023, 2nd revised new edition
376 pp, 122 figs, 8 tabs, 17 x 24 cm
Senckenberg-Buch 88, Hardcover, 34.90 €

ISBN 978-3-510-61424-0