last update: 23 July 2024


Saburova M. & N. Chomérat (2014) Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new thecate, marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from the northern Red Sea. - Journal of Phycology 50(6): 1120-1136. 
Saburova M. & N. Chomérat (2016) An emended description and phylogeny of the little-known Prorocentrum sipadanense Mohammad-Noor, Daugbjerg & Moestrup (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) from the Indian Ocean, Oman. - European Journal of Phycology 51(3): 270-281. 

Saburova M. & N. Chomérat (2019) Laciniporus arabicus gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales), a new thecate, marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from the northern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea). - Journal of Phycology 55(1): 84-103.

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