M.A. Faust


117) Faust M.A., Vandersea, M.W., Kibler, S.R., Tester, P.A. and Litaker, R.W. 2008. Prorocentrum levis, a new benthic species (Dinophyceae) from a mangrove island, Twin Cays, Belize. Journal of Phycology 44(1): 232-240.

116) Faust M.A. 2006. Creation of the subgenus Testeria Faust subgen. nov. Protoperidinium Bergh from the SW Atlantic Ocean: Protoperidinium novella sp. nov. and Protoperidinium concinna sp. nov. (Dinophyceae). Phycologia 45: 1-9.

115) Pertola S., Faust M.A. and Kuosa H. 2006. Survey on germination and species composition of dinoflagellates from ballast tanks and recent sediments in ports on the South Coast of Finland, Nort-Eastern Baltic Sea. Marine pollution bulletin 52: 900-911.

114) Faust M.A. 2005. "Dinoflagellates: Phylum Dinoflagellata. Chapter 5.1 Taxonomic Consequences". Pp. 93-97 in Krupnick, G. and Kress, W.J. (eds.). Plant Conservation: A Natural History Approach.

113) Faust M.A. 2005. Morphology of Dinoflagellates in Digitized Images Seen through the Scanning Electron microscope.

112) Faust M.A., Litaker R.W., Vandersea M.V., Kibler S.R. and Tester P.A. 2005. Dinoflagellate, Diversity and abundance in two Belizean Coral Reef-Mangrove Lagoons: A test of Margalefs Mandala. Atoll Research Bulletin 534: 105-131.

111) Faust M.A. and Tester P.A. 2005. "Harmful Dinoflagellates in the Gulf Stream and Atlantic Barrier Coral Reef, Belize". Pp. 326-328 in Steidinger, K.A., Lansberg, J.H., Tomas, C.R. and Vargo, G.A. (eds.). Harmful Algae 2002.the Xth HAB International Conference.

110) Kibler S.R., Faust M.A., Vandersea M.V., Varnam S.M., Litaker R.W. and Tester P.A. 2005. Water Column Structure and Circulation In The Main channel, Twin Cays, Belize. Atoll Research Bulletin 535: 136-156.

109) Faust M.A. 2004. The Dinoflagellates of Twin Cays, Belize: Biodiversity, Distribution and Vulnerability. Atoll Research Bulletin 514: 1-20.

108) Faust M.A. 2004. Dinoflagellates in Floating Detrirus, Belize: a Virtual Mangrove Natural Trail.

107) Faust M.A. 2003. Identifying Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates on Algae-L List Serve, Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute, Galway, Ireland.

106) Faust M.A. 2003. Identifying Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates on Algae-L List Serve. Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute.

105) Faust M.A. 2003. Peridinium belizeanum sp. nov. from Manatee Cay, Belize, Central America. Journal of Phycology 39(2): 390-394.

104) Pertola S., Faust M.A., Kuosa H. and Hallfors G. 2003. Morphology of Prorocentrum minimum (Dinophyceae) in the Baltic Sea and the Chesapeake Bay: comparison of cell shape and thecal ornamentation. Botanica Marina 46: 477-486.

103) Faust M.A. 2002. Contribution of 23 toxic marine dinoflagellate species for the web page of the.

102) Faust M.A. 2002. Updated text and picture files of 'Identification of 48 HAB Dinoflagellate Species'. URL: http://www.nmnh.si.edu/botany/projects/dinoflag.

101) Faust M.A. 2002. Identification of 48 HAB Dinoflagellate Species. URL: http://botany.si.edu/projects/dinoflag/.

100) Faust M.A. 2002. Contribution of 23 toxic marine dinoflagellate species for the web page of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), UNESCO, Paris, France.

99) Faust M.A. 2002. Update 10 marine Prorocentrum species on the IOC-Taxonomic Reference List of Valid Taxa of Toxic Plankton Algae. URL: http://www.IOC.UNESCO.org./HAB/Default.htm..

98) Faust M.A. 2002. "Biodiversity and association of dinoflagellates in coral reef rubble, Carrie Bow Cay Belize". Pp. 1 in Botany 2000:Phycological Society of America, Madison, WI.

97) Faust M.A. 2002. "IOC Taxonomic Reference List of Toxic Plankton Algae". Pp. 1 in Harmful Algal News.

96) Faust M.A. 2002. Taxonomic Reference List of Toxic Plankton Algae. Phycologia 41:: 565.

95) Faust M.A. and Gulledge R.A. 2002. Monograph on Identification of Harmful Algae on CD-ROM. The Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

94) Faust M.A. and Tester P.A. 2002. The Occurrence of harmful dinoflagellates: implications of transport in The Gulf Stream. Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae, St.Pete Beach, Fl. 000.

93) Morton S.L., Faust M.A., Fairey E.A. and Moeller P.D.R. 2002. Morphology and toxicology of Prorocentrum arabianum sp. nov.(Dinophyceae)a toxic planktonic dinoflagellate from the Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea. Harmful Algae 1: 393-400.

92) Faust M.A. 2001. Toxic marine, planktonic, epiphytic and benthic dinoflagellate species. URL: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.

91) Faust M.A. 2001. "Identification of Harmful Dinoflagellates". Pp. 5 in Phycological Society of America (ed.). 55th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America,.

90) Faust M.A. 2001. "Morphology and ecology of Glenodinium armatum Lavender". Pp. 1 in 55th Meeting of the Phycological Society of America.

89) Faust M.A. and Gulledge, R.A. 2001. "Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates". Pp. in The World Biodiversity Database on CD-ROM Series. ETI, U. of Amsterdam.

88) Chinain M., Revel T., Faust M.A., Holmes M.J., Ung A. and Pauillac S. 2000. "Molecular characterization and classification of ciguatera dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus". Pp. 1-518 in Hallegraeff, G. (ed.). Harmful Algal Blooms 2000.

87) Faust M.A. 2000. "Dinoflagellates in mangrove ponds, Pelican Cays, Belize". Pp. 1-3 in Harmful Algal Blooms 2000.

86) Faust M.A. 2000. "Biodiversity of planktonic dinoflagellate species in mangrove ponds, Pelican Cays, Belize". Pp. 5 in Faust, M.A. (ed.). Proceedings Phycological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

85) Faust M.A. 2000. Dinoflagellate Associations in a coral reef-mangrove ecosystem: Pelican and Associated Cays, Belize. Atoll Research Bulletin 473: 137-150.

84) Faust M.A. 2000. Biodiversity and association of dinoflagellates in coral reef rubble, Carrie Bow Cay, Belize. Botany 2002, Phycological Soc.of America 000.

83) Chinain M., Faust M.A., Pauillac S. and Pauillac S. 1999. Morphology and molecular analyses of three toxic species of Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae): G. pacificus sp. nov. G. australes sp. nov., and G. polynesiensis sp. nov. Journal of Phycology 35: 1282-1296.

82) Chrost R.J. and Faust M.A. 1999. Consequences of solar radiation on bacterial secondary production and growth rates in subtropical coastal waters (Atlantic Coral Reef off Belize, Central America). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 20: 39-48.

81) Faust M.A. 1999. Three new Ostreopsis species (Dinophyceae): O. marinus sp. nov., O. belizeanus sp. nov. and O. caribbeanus sp. nov. Phycologia 38: 92-99.

80) Faust M.A. 1999. Dinoflagellates in the Pelican Cays, Belize. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America 35: 10.

79) Faust M.A., Larsen J. and Moestrup O. 1999. "ICES Identification Leaflets for Plankton. Potentially ToxicPhytoplankton 3: Genus Prorocentrum, Dinophyceae". Pp. 1-24 in International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.

78) Faust M.A. 1998. "Mixotrophy in tropical benthic dinoflagellates". Pp. 390-393 in Reguera, B. (ed.). Harmful Algae.

77) Faust M.A. 1998. Morphology and life cycle events in Pyrophacus steinii (Schiller) Wall et Dale (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 34: 173-179.

76) Faust M.A. and Steidinger K.A. 1998. Bysmatrum gen. nov. (Dinophyaceae) and three combinations for benthic scrippsielloid species. Phycologia 37: 47-52.

75) Gulledge R.A. and Faust M.A. 1998. Multimedia dinoflagellate identification. Harmful Algal News, No. 17: 16-17.

74) Gulledge R.A. and Faust M.A. 1998. "Dinoflagellates on CD-ROM: Multimedia dinoflagellate identification". Pp. 16-17 in Wyall, T. (ed.). Harmful Algal News No. 17.

73) Turquet J., Quod J.P., Coute A. and Faust M.A. 1998. "Assemblages of benthic dinoflagellates and monitoring of harmful species in Reunion Island, SW Indian Ocean, 1993-1996". Pp. 44-47 in Reguera, B., Blanco, J., Fernandez, M.L. and Wyatt, T. (eds.). Harmful Algae.

72) Faust M.A. 1997. Three new benthic species of Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) from Belize: P. norrisianum sp. nov., P. tropicalis sp. nov., and P. reticulatum sp. nov. Journal of Phycology 33: 851-858.

71) Faust M.A. 1997. Mixotrophy in tropical benthic dinoflagellates. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Vigo, Spain 46(4): 397-401.

70) Gulledge R.A. and Faust M.A. 1997. Dino-Linneaus: Species identification and data storage of dinoflagellates using an interactive multimedia software system. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Vigo, Spain 93.

69) Morton S.L. and Faust M.A. 1997. Survey of toxic epiphytic dinoflagellates from the Belizean Barrier Reef Ecosystem. Bulletin of Marine Science 61: 899-906.

68) Turquet J., Quod J.P., Coute A. and Faust M.A. 1997. Assemblage of benthic dinoflagellates and monitoring of harmful species in Reunion Island (SW Indian Ocean) during the 1993-1996 period. Proc.8th Int.Conf.on Harmful Algae.Vigo, Spain 000.

67) Faust M.A. 1996. Observations of sand-dwelling toxic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) from widely differing sites, including two new species. Journal of Phycology 31: 996-1003.

66) Faust M.A. 1996. Morphology and ecology of the marine benthic dinoflagellate Scrippsiella subsalsa (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 32: 669-675.

65) Faust M.A. 1996. Dinoflagellates in a mangrove ecosystem, Twin Cays, Belize. Nova Hedwigia 112: 445-458.

64) Faust M.A. and Gulledge R.A. 1996. Associations of microalgae and meiofauna in floating detritus at a mangrove island Twin Cays, Belize. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 197: 159-175.

63) Faust M.A., Morton S.L. and Quod J.P. 1996. Further SEM study of marine dinoflagellates: the genus Ostreopsis (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 32: 1053-1065.

62) Faust M.A. 1995. "Benthic Toxic Dinoflagellates: An Overview". Pp. 847-854 in Lassus, P., Arzul, G., Erard, E., Gentien, P. and Marcaillou, C. (eds.). Harmful Marine Algal Blooms.

61) Faust M.A. and Morton S.L. 1995. Morphology and ecology of the marine dinoflagellate Ostreopsis labens sp. nov. (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 31: 456-463.

60) Faust M.A. and Steidinger K.A. 1995. "Ecology of Benthic Dinoflagellates". Pp. 855-857 in Lassus, P., Arzul, G., Erard, E., Gentien, P. and Marcaillou, C. (eds.). Harmful Marine Algal Blooms.

59) Silva E.S. and Faust M.A. 1995. Small cells in the life history of dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae): a review. Phycologia 34: 396-408.

58) Faust M.A. 1994. Three new benthic species of Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) from Carrie Bow Cay, Belize: P. Sabulosum sp. nov., P. sculptile sp. nov., and P. arenarium sp. nov. Journal of Phycology 30: 755-763.

57) Faust M.A. 1993. Surface morphology of the marine dinoflagellate Synopsis microcephalus (Dinophyceae) from a mangrove island, Twin Cays, Belize. Journal of Phycology 29: 355-363.

56) Faust M.A. 1993. Prorocentrum belizeanum, Prorocentrum elegan and Prorocentrum caribaeum, three new benthic species (Dinophyceae) from a mangrove island, Twin Cays, Belize. Journal of Phycology 29: 100-107.

55) Faust M.A. 1993. "Sexuality in a toxic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima". Pp. 121-126 in Smayda, T.J. and Shimizu, Y. (eds.). Toxic Phytoplankton Blooms.

54) Faust M.A. 1993. "Alternative asexual reproduction of Prorocentrum lima in culture". Pp. 115-120 in Smayda, T.J. and Shimizu, Y. (eds.). Toxic Phytoplankton Blooms.

53) Faust M.A. 1993. Three benthic species of Procentrum (Diphyceae) from Twin Cays, Belize: P. maculosum sp. nov., P. foraminosum sp. nov. and P. formosum sp. nov. Phycologia 32: 410-418.

52) Faust M.A. and Balech E. 1993. A further SEM study of marine benthic dinoflagellates from a mangrove island Twin Cays, Belize, including Plagiodinium belizeanum gen. et sp. nov. Journal of Phycology 29: 826-832.

51) Faust M.A. 1992. Observations on the morphology and sexual reproduction of Coolia monotis (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 28: 95-104.

50) Faust M.A. 1991. Morphology of ciguatera-causing Prorocentrum lima (Pyrrophyta) from widely differing sites. Journal of Phycology 27: 642-648.

49) Faust M.A. 1990. Morphologic details of six benthic species of Prorocentrum from a mangrove island, Twin Cays, Belize, including two new species. Journal of Phycology 26: 548-558.

48) Faust M.A. 1990. "Cysts of Prorocentrum marinum (Dinophyceae) in floating detritus at Twin Cays, Belize mangrove habitat". Pp. 138-143 in Graneli, E., Sundstrom, B., Adler, L. and Anderson, D.M. (eds.). Toxic Marine Phytoplankton.

47) Pierce J.W., Correll D.L., Goldberg B., Faust M.A. and Klein W.H. 1986. Response of underwater light transmittance in the Rhode River estuary to change in water-quality parameters. Estuaries 9: 169-178.

46) Faust M.A. 1985. Spectral quality and quantity effects on the primary productivity of phytoplankton. Bulletin of Marine Science 37: 2.

45) Faust M.A. and Norris, K.H. 1985. In vivo spectrophotometric analysis of photosynthetic pigments in natural populations of phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography 30: 1316-1322.

44) Meeson B.W. and Faust M.A. 1984. "Resonse of Prorocentrum minimum (pav.) Schiller (Dinophyceae) to different spectral qualities and irradiances: growth and photosynthesis". Pp. 445-461 in Gray, J.S. and Christiansen, M.A. (eds.). Marine Biology of Polar Regions and Effects of Stress on Marine Organisms.

43) Rublee P.A., Merkel S.M. and Faust M.A. 1984. Nutrient flux in the Rhode River: tidal transport of microorganisms in brackish marshes. Esuarine Coastal & Shelf Sci. 17: 669-680.

42) Rublee P.A., Merkel S.M., Faust M.A. and Miklas J.J. 1984. Distribution and activity of bacteria in the headwaters of the Rhode River estuary, Maryland, U. S. A. Mircobial Ecology 10: 243-255.

41) Chrost R. J. and Faust M.A. 1983. Organic carbon release by phytoplankton: Its composition and utilization by bacterioplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 5: 477-493.

40) Rublee P.A., Merkel S.M. and Faust M.A. 1983. The transport of bacteria in sediments of a temperate marsh. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 16: 501-509.

39) Faust M.A. 1982. Contribution of pleasure boats to fecal bacteria concentration in the Rhode River Estuary, Maryland, U.S.A. The Science of the total environment 25: 255-260.

38) Faust M.A. 1982. Relationship between land use practices and fecal bacteria in soils. J.Environmental Quality 11: 141-146.

37) Faust M.A. and Norris K.H. 1982. Rapid spectophotometirc analysis of chlorophyll pigments in intact phytoplankton. British Journal of Phycology 17: 351-361.

36) Faust M.A., Sager J.C. and Meeson B.W. 1982. Response and photo-adaptation of Procentrum mariae-lebouriae to colored light and irradiance. Journal of Phycology 18: 349-356.

35) Chrost R.J. and Faust M.A. 1981. Dissolved organic carbon production, compostition and utilization by bacterioplankton. Abstract of the American Society for Micobiology 000.

34) Faust M.A. and Chrost R.J. 1981. "Photosynthesis, extracellular release and heterotrophy of dissolved organic matter in Rhode River esturine plankton". Pp. 465-479 in Neilson, B.J. and Cronin, L.E. (eds.). Estuaries and Nutrients.

33) Faust M.A., Correll D.L., Pierce J.W., Klein W.H. and Goldberg B. 1981. Photosynthetic pigments and light distribution in the Rhode River estuary. Estuaries 4: 299.

32) Faust M.A. and Sager J.C. 1981. Effect of colored light on growth and pigment compostition of Prorocentrum mariae-leboriae. Journal of Phycology 17: 14.

31) Chrost R.J. and Faust M.A. 1980. Molecular weight fractionation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) released by photoplankton. Acta Microbiologica Polonica 29: 79-88.

30) Chrost R.J. and Faust M.A. 1980. "Organic carbon release by phytoplankton: Its compostition and utilization by bacterioplankton". Pp. 508-509 in Falkowski, P.G. (ed.). Primary Productivity in the Sea.

29) Faust M.A., Goff N.M. and Miklas J.J. 1978. Carbon and phosphorus assimilation by phytoplankton and bacteria in the Rhode River estuary. Journal of Phycology 14: 32.

28) Friebele E.S., Correll D.L. and Faust M.A. 1978. The relationship between phytoplankton cell size and the rate of orthophosphate uptake: in situ observations of an estuarine population. Marine Biology 45: 39-52.

27) Faust M.A. 1977. The contribution of basin size, land use, and water flow on fecal coliform discharge from a rural watershed. Abstracts of the American Society for Microbiology 000.

26) Faust M.A. and Correll D.L. 1977. Autoradiographic study to detect metabolically active phytoplankton and bacteria in the Rhode River estuary. Marine Biology 41: 293-305.

25) Faust M.A. and Goff N.M. 1977. "Basin size, water flow, and land use effects on fecal coliform pollution from a rural watershed". Pp. 611-634 in Correll, D.L. (ed.). Watershed Research in Eastern North America.

24) Faust M.A., Goff N.M. and Jackson A.C. 1977. Non-point studies on Chesapeake Bay. III. Relationship between bacterail contamination and land use in the Rhode River watershed, and survival studies of Streptococcus faecalis in the estuary. Chesapeake Research Consortium (56)000.

23) Correll D.L., Faust M.A. and Pierce J.W. 1976. Non-point source studies on Chesapeake Bay. VIII. Preliminary tests of the application of Rhode River statistical models to Patuxent River subwatersheds. Chesapeake Research Consortium (53)000.

22) Faust M.A. 1976. Non-point source studies on Chesapeake Bay. I. Bacterial contamination from the Rhode River watershed, concentrations and survival in the estuary. Chesapeake Research Consortium (53)000.

21) Faust M.A. 1976. Coliform bacteria from diffuse sources as a factor in estuarine pollution. Abstracts of the American Society for Microbiology 10: 619-627.

20) Faust M.A. and Correll D.L. 1976. Comparison between bacterial and algal P-uptake in an estuarine environment. Marine Biology 34: 151-162.

19) Correll D.L., Faust M.A. and Pierce J.W. 1975. Studies on certain nutrients, sediments, and bacterial constituents in runoff from Rhode River watershed. Chesapeake Research Consortium 000.

18) Correll D.L., Faust M.A. and Severn D.F. 1975. "Phosphorus flux and cycling in estuaries". Pp. 108-136 in Estuarine Research: Chemistry and Biology Vol. 1.

17) Correll D.L., Pierce J.W. and Faust M.A. 1975. "A quantitative study of the nutrient, sediment, and coliform bacterial constituents of water runoff from the Rhode River watershed". Pp. 131-143 in Southeastern Regional Conference on Non-Point Sources of Water Pollution. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Water Resources Research Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

16) Faust M.A., Aotaky A.E. and Hargadon M.T. 1975. Effect of physical parameters on the in situ survival of Escherichia coli MC-6 in an estuarine environment. Applied Microbiol. 30: 800-806.

15) Faust M.A. and Correll D.L. 1975. Comparison between bacterial and algal utilization of orthophosphate in an estuarine environment. Journal of Phycology 11: 22.

14) Faust M.A. 1974. Structure of periplast of Cryptomonas ovata var. palustris. Journal of Phycology 10: 121-124.

13) Faust M.A. 1974. Micromorphology of cell wall of Prorocentrum minimum var. mariae-lebouriae (Parke and Ballantine) nov. comb. Journal of Phycology 10: 315-322.

12) Faust M.A. 1974. "Section E. Biological Data: Phytoplankton and bacterial populations". Pp. 661-667 in Correll, D.L. (ed.). Environmental Monitoring and Baseline Data of Rhode River Maryland Section II.

11) Faust M.A. 1974. "Biological Data: Assesment of pathogenic and viable bacterial populations in water runoff of a watershed-estuarine ecosystem". Pp. 724-729 in Correll, D.L. (ed.). Environmental Monitoring and Baseline Data of Rhode River Maryland II.

10) Faust M.A. 1973. Observations on the surface structure of the periplast of Cryptomonas ovata var. palustris. Journal of Phycology 9: 17.

9) Faust M.A. and Gantt E. 1973. Effect of light intensity and glycerol on growth, pigment compostition, and ultrastructure of Chroomonas sp. Journal of Phycology 9: 489-495.

8) Faust M.A. and Gantt E. 1972. Synthesis of Photosynthetic pigments in Chroomonas sp. Journal of Phycology 8: 16.

7) Faust M.A. and Doetsch R.N. 1971. Effect of drugs that alter excitable membranes on the motility of Rhodospirillum rubrum and Thiospirillum jenense. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 17: 191-196.

6) Faust M.A. and Doetsch R.N. 1971. Effect of membrane-active antibiotics on motility and permeability of Pseudomonas flourescens. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 17: 183-189.

5) Faust M.A. and Doetsch R.N. 1969. Effect of respiratory inhibitors on the motility of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Journal of Bacteriology 97: 806-811.

4) Kahn A.A. and Faust M.A. 1967. Effect of growth retardants on -amylase production in germinating barley seed. Physiologia Plantarum 20: 673-681.

3) Kahn A.A. and Faust M.A. 1966. Effect of cycocell and its analogs on growth of soluble protein content of young barley seedlings. Nature 211: 1215-1216.

2) Faust M.A. and Pramer D. 1964. A staining technique for the examination of nematode-trapping fungi. Nature 204: 94-95.

1) Faust M.A. and Pramer D. 1964. Nutrition and growth of Dactylella ellipsospora. Life Sciences 3: 141-143.