Thecadinium Kofoid et Skogsberg 1928

compiled by Malte Elbrächter & Mona Hoppenrath

last update: 09 June 2022

Species names in bold = validly published names
Species names in normal fond = invalid names

ICBN = International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
[in brackets: date of publishing]
SD = subsequent designation of type



Thecadinium Kofoid et Skogsberg 1928, Memoirs of the Museum of comparative Zoology at Harvard College 51: 29, 32, 35.
Type: Thecadinium petasatum Kofoid et Skogsberg 1928 [SD by Loeblich et Loeblich 1966, Studies in Tropical Oceanography 3: 58.]
correct name: Thecadinium kofoidii (Herdman) Larsen 1985, Opera Botanica 79: 17.

Thecadinium acanthium Hoppenrath 2000, Phycologia 39(2): 101, figs 7, 8, 20-22, 51-60. [27. July 2000]

see Carinadinium

Thecadinium arenarium Yoshimatsu, Toriumi et Dodge 2004, Phycological Research 52(3): 216, 219, figs 6, 39-46, 51a-d. [04. Oct. 2004]

Thecadinium aureum Campell 1973, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Sea Grant Program Publicatoion UNC-SG-73-07: 122-123, pl. 4 figs 19a-b, pl. 23 figs 10-11. [invalid: ICBN Art. 36.2, no latin diagnosis]
Taxonomical synonym of Pseudothecadinium campbellii Hoppenrath et Selina 2006, Phycologia 45(3): 265-267, figs 1-40.

Thecadinium dragescoi Balech 1956, Revue Algologieque, N.S. 2: 37-38, figs 26-33.

see Amphidiniopsis

Thecadinium ebriolum (Herdman) Kofoid et Skogsberg 1928, Memoirs of the Museum of comparative Zoology at Harvard College 51: 32.
Basionym: Phalacroma ebriola Herdman 1924, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 38: 79-80, fig. 24. (not p. 34 as referred to by Kofoid et Skogsberg 1928)
Nomenclatural synonym of Sinophysis ebriolum (Herdman) Balech 1956, see there.

Thecadinium foveolatum Bolch 2004, in Bolch & Campbell 2004, European Journal of Phycology 39(4): 353-356, figs 2-17. [06. Dec. 2004]
Taxonomical synonym of Thecadinium yashimaense Yoshimatsu, Toriumi et Dodge 2004, Phycological Research 52(3): 216, figs 5, 31-38, 50a-d.

Thecadinium hirsutum Balech 1956, Revue Algologieque, N.S. 2: 40-42, figs 38-40.
Basionym of Amphidiniopsis hirsutum (Balech) Dodge 1982, Her Majestty’s Stationery Office, London, p. 248.

Thecadinium inclinatum Balech 1956, Revue Algologieque, N.S. 2: 40, figs 34-37.
Nomenclatural synonym: Sabulodinium inclinatum (Balech) Saunders et Dodge 1984, Protistologica 20: 280.

see Psammodinium

Thecadinium kofoidii (Herdman) Larsen 1985, Opera Botanica 79: 17.
Basionym: Phalacroma kofoidii Herdman 1924, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 38: 60,62, refers to fig. of Herdman 1922, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 36: 18, fig. 3 as Amphidinium kofoidii var. petasatum.
Nomenclatural synonyms: Amphidinium kofoidii Herdman var. petasatum Herdman 1922, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 36: 26-27, fig. 3 on p. 18;
Thecadinium petasatum Kofoid et Skogsberg 1928, Memoirs of the Museum of comparative Zoology at Harvard College 51: 32;
Thecadinium kofoidi Kofoid et Skogsberg, in Schiller 1931, Dinoflagellatae (Peridineae) in monographischer Behandlung. In: Dr. L.Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Bd. 10(3). Teil 1(1): 51. (nomen nudum);
Thecadinium kofoidii Schiller, in Dodge 1982, Marine dinoflagellates of the British Isles. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, p. 57. (nomen nudum);
Thecadinium kofoidi (Herdman) Schiller, in Saunders et Dodge, 1984 Protistologica 20: 274. (nomen nudum);
Thecadinium kofoidii (Herdman) Schiller ex Saunders et Dodge, in Dodge 1989 British phycological Journal 24: 387. (nomen nudum)

Thecadinium mucosum Hoppenrath et Taylor 2004, in Hoppenrath et al. 2004, Journal of Phycology 40(5): 948-950, figs 1-5. [05. Oct. 2004]
Taxonomical synonym of Thecadinium yashimaense Yoshimatsu, Toriumi et Dodge 2004, Phycological Research 52(3): 216, figs 5, 31-38, 50a-d.

Thecadinium neopetasatum Saunders et Dodge 1984, Protistologica 20(2): 275, 282, figs 19a-c, 20-23.

Thecadinium ornatum Hoppenrath 2000, Phycologia 39(2): 99, 101, figs 5, 6, 17-19, 43-50. [27. July 2000]

see Carinadinium

Thecadinium ovatum Yoshimatsu, Toriumi et Dodge 2004, Phycological Research 52(3): 213, figs 3, 15-22, 48a-d. [04. Oct. 2004]

see Carinadinium

Thecadinium petasatum Kofoid et Skogsberg 1928, Memoirs of the Museum of comparative Zoology at Harvard College 51: 32. (SD as type species: Loeblich et Loeblich 1966, Stud. trop. Oceanogr. 3: 58.)
Basionym: Amphidinium kofoidi var. petasatum Herdman 1922, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 36: 26-27, fig. 3 on p. 18.
Nomenclatural synonym: Phalacroma kofoidi Herdman 1924, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 38: 60,62, refers to fig. of Herdman 1922, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 36: 18, fig. 3 as Amphidinium kofoidii var. petasatum.
correct name: Thecadinium kofoidii (Herdman) Larsen 1985, Opera Botanica 79: 17, see there.

Thecadinium semilunatum (Herdman) Dodge 1982, Marine dinoflagellates of the British Isles. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London p. 58.
Basionym: Amphidinium semilunatum Herdman 1924, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 38: 59-60, fig. 7.
Nomenclatural synonym of Amphidinium semilunatum Herdman 1924, Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 38: 59-60, fig. 7.

see Ankistrodinium

Thecadinium striatum Yoshimatsu, Toriumi et Dodge 2004, Phycological Research 52(3): 213, 216, figs 4, 23-30, 49a-d. [04. Oct. 2004]

see Carinadinium

Thecadinium swedmarkii Balech 1956, Revue Algologieque, N.S. 2: 42, figs 41-42.    
Basionym of Amphidiniopsis swedmarkii (Balech) Dodge 1982, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, p. 248-249.

Thecadinium yashimaense Yoshimatsu, Toriumi et Dodge 2004, Phycological Research 52(3): 216, figs 5, 31-38, 50a-d. [04. Oct. 2004]
Taxonomical synonyms: Thecadinium mucosum Hoppenrath et Taylor 2004, in Hoppenrath et al. 2004, Journal of Phycology 40(5): 948-950, figs 1-5. [05. Oct. 2004];
Thecadinium foveolatum Bolch 2004, in Bolch & Campbell 2004, European Journal of Phycology 39(4): 353-356, figs 2-17. [06. Dec. 2004]